Grab your cocktails its story time! I began this blog not only to have a personal journal for myself to reference later but to connect with the world. So lets face it I am a wannabe writer and I'm not afraid to admit it. I can only dream of becoming a best seller on day and opening the gates for many across the world but until then I thank God that there are real writers out there. So I'm not a twilight fan or a harry potter girl but I have to say I'm wrapped up in tattoos and fire and even hornets nets. believe it or not this hippy loving fashion girl that I'am loves Stieg Larsson. He is best known for his authorship of the Millennium Trilogy of crime novels which were published posthumously. So you must of heard around about these books all three are out. Its a fast paced crime mystery and a love story under it all. Sony Pictures are now seeing dollar signs with this novel turned movie. It has been confirmed that Daniel Craig and Rooney Mara and Robin Wright Penn will bring this to life. trust me when i
say read this one. Night
Oh yeah i seen both movies already the Swedish version